Food, Baby

What to feed a Six months old baby?

six months old baby food

Only breast milk is enough from the first day after the baby’s birth until six months. Because at this time, the baby gets all the nutrients in the mother’s breast milk. Breast milk satisfies the baby’s nutritional needs, which is vital for his physical and mental growth and development. This is called ‘exclusive breastfeeding.’ From six months onwards, the baby is promoted to another step in the diet to meet its nutritional needs in addition to its mother’s milk. Six months old baby should be given extra food and breast milk at this time. But mothers do not understand what kind of food to feed the Six months old baby food. Suddenly the children do not want to eat any other food. So you have to practice slowly. In medicine, this condition is called ‘Wenning.’ At this time, everyone in the family, including the mother, must be patient enough.

Six months old baby food

Within six to nine months, the baby’s tongue develops a ‘test bud’ (a particular type of muscle through which the baby can sense the taste of different foods without milk). So even if the food is small, it must be taken care that it is delicious to eat. The baby’s first meal after six months must start with sugar. For example, with soft rice, and boiled potatoes, if there is no problem in digestion, it is better to simmer the fruit, such as apple, carrot, grape, ripe banana, ripe papaya, boiled sweet pumpkin, semolina, etc.

The opinion of experts About baby food and health

”The baby needs to be fed freshly cooked food every day. Do not refrigerate or provide stale food.
The baby’s feeding bowl, spoon, and hand must be kept clean.”

Observe your baby:

The baby should be fed other food thrice a day for six-nine months. When providing a baby with new food, ensure there is a lot of rash, vomiting, or belching anywhere in the body. If there is a sudden increase in the amount of crying in the baby or there is swelling in the stomach, if there is a change in the urination, then the food should be stopped. If the condition seems serious, you must seek medical help immediately.

Add vegetables to baby food:

From 9-12 months baby should be fed five to seven times. It is very beneficial to give vegetable khichuri at this time. If there is no problem with vegetables, rice, pulses, or soybean oil, mix a small piece of chicken meat and liver in khichuri and feed it. Among the vegetables, potato, sweet pumpkin, tomato, carrot, radish, turnip, and papaya can be provided.

The amount of food:

The baby should usually be fed at three to four hours intervals. The amount of food should also be taken into consideration. Children’s stomachs are much smaller. Generally, it is better to keep the amount of each food between 100-120 mg. Otherwise, children are at risk of gas and indigestion. However, the amount depends on the child’s weight and physical condition.

Adding new foods:

Try it with little coriander leaves or spinach if your digestion is good. The number of new food items should be small. Gradually increase the amount.
Children who consume more cow’s or any other milk instead of mother’s milk have more constipation. In this case, increase the amount of vegetable khichuri and water feeding. And even after breastfeeding, mothers of babies with more constipation should eat enough water and vegetables. The baby can also be fed honey and egg yolk. However, it is better not to give honey in excess heat. The amount of love you give is meager. Maybe two days a month. Half a teaspoon. You can make a habit of feeding egg yolks slowly.

The baby should not be force-fed. Forced feeding can cause vomiting or side effects in the baby. Feed by playing tricks instead of force-feeding. The child should eat as much as he wants.

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